Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More Than Imagine

November 17th brought another in a long series of unexpected weird experiences. I was invited by one of the Korean teachers, Grace, to go to her church to see her dance. I was happy to go to support her, not so much for her plan to “introduce” us to “Jesus.” It was all part of this show that her cul---sorry, church was putting on called “More than Imagine.”

I got on the bus to church (after an ordeal which had me going to school on a Saturday afternoon to get my map), and I found the stop well enough, but I was rather struggling to find the church, as the map was rather not to scale. Luckily, I happened to look up, and saw the GIANT neon orange cross glowing high above me. Just like Jesus’ one did, I’m sure.

I arrive, and find Grace Teacher, and she introduces me to her friends, who all just giggle, because I’m white, I guess, and people still find it funny. One of her friends leans in to Grace, and doesn’t even bother to whisper “Is he Christian?” Uh… Was that supposed to be in Korean or something? Because those words are English. And I’m sitting right here, and can clearly hear and understand you.


So “More than Imagine” itself was… Interesting, let’s say. I wouldn’t have really gotten that it was religious, if it hadn’t been in a church. The reasons were severalfold:
-The place is lit like a disco club. Even the minister guy who prayed (or whatever, I couldn’t understand it, clearly) had psychedelic lights going on behind him.
-The house band (???) actually kinda rocked out.
-But mostly… There were B-Boys (WTF!!???)

It was a fine enough night. The best part was that, whenever anyone brings a newcomer to the church, they get money to take that newcomer out to dinner. And I was that newcomer! Score!!

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