Thursday, December 13, 2007

There are 5 letters in Nepali

Monday started with several failed attempts at culture. I went to the City Hall station, and trundled around until I found the Seoul Museum of Art, which is hosting a van Gogh retrospective. I found it, eventually, but it was closed. I headed back to the station, and then out the other way to the Rodin Museum. Closed.

I was getting hungry anyway, so I headed to Dongmyo, because I’d seen a sign in the subway for Himalayan food, which sounded interesting. I didn’t even know what Himalayan food would be (yak? Sherpa??), so I thought I would give it a try. I know it was at Exit 8, so I exited and started walking. I got to the next station, and I hadn’t seen it, so I went back to the station, and tried the other way. Nothing. Back to the station. Tried the third direction. Nope. Back to the station, fourth try. Still Nothing. That’s weird. So I walked back to the station one last time, dejected.

Just when I was arriving at the station, I looked up above Exit 8, and there it was, big as life, literally ON exit 8. Which explains why I didn’t see it. So, I go down into the station, as to cross the street. I trundle over and back up the 12 million (or so) stairs, and somehow come up again on the wrong side of the street! Anyway, I eventually made it to the restaurant, and it was pretty awesome. I had this spicy dried lamb dish, and vegetable fritters and bread. Plus it came with all this fancily-shaped vegetables, and milk tea. It was all pretty delicious.

Back on to the subway next, and toward Yeouiaru, for a cruise of the Han River. I found the dock well enough, and got my ticket. She told me Dock A, Gate 1, so I headed off, but I found that Gate 1 was the wrong boat. So I found some guys and asked if they knew. They said they were going on the same cruise, so I followed the around, but they had no idea where they were going. I found a lady and asked her, and she just shouted “Go! Go!” So I asked one last person, and he took my ticket and ran away. I followed him, but he told me I was going the wrong way. Anyhoo, I found it, and when I got on there were a total of 2 other people on board. Then the 2 lost guys got on, so a whopping 5 of us enjoyed the cruise.

There were some guys windsailing on the river (in December, brrr), but otherwise not much to see. The coasts of the river are fairly ugly. You can easily tell which side is which though. My side has lots of little dirty hovels, and looks pretty ghetto. BBro and Kendra’s side, meanwhile, has lots of tall skyscrapers and big, clean office buildings.

My side:

Their side:
Wherever the cruise dropped us off, I started walking. I was just going to head to the nearest subway station, but I saw signs for Samseong, so I went to COEX instead. I was going to go to the kimchi museum, I figured it would be good for a laugh, but it too was closed. Apparently the only day EVER that things in Korea are closed are the day I try to do them. I wandered around the mall instead, and then went to meet BBro and Kendra for dinner.

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